Filling the Void


The project aspires to enhance the current citizens’ imaginary of the site from an intangible void, into a vibrant, accessible, public space that discourages the site’s future invasion and promote greater cultural and economic benefit. The project’s fill is an inoculation, serving as a method of conservation, activation, and development. Within Pachacamac’s archeological border, the excavated works remain preserved, the untouched land believed to house significant archeology are conserved with ephemeral programs, and fixed constructions takes place along the site’s periphery. The ephemeral programs allow for flexibility in the site’s occupation, with both excavations and impermanent programs. The varying thresholds define a landscape restoring equilibrium to the discrete identities of the neighborhood and connect Pachacamac to the Lurin River, agricultural valley, and ocean - reestablishing a symbiotic system while filling a major disruption in Lima’s urban fabric. The project serves the community, city, and visitors, while preserving one of the city’s most significant archeological assets.

The project was completed in collaboration with Dayita Kurvey.


Syncopated Civitas